kars7e's Blog

Personal blog of Karol Stepniewski

Kubernetes cluster on ARM using Asus Tinkerboard

Over the winter holiday break of 2017, I’ve spent some time playing with Kubernetes on ARM. I had a lot of fun building this beast:

I finally found some time to write about it in details. Let’s go!

Rust: first impressions

It’s been a while since my last DSP post, mainly due to my trip to Poland and unavoidable result of it - jetlag. Let’s get back to the business, though. In this post, I will share my first impressions on Rust, as well as some code in filesyncer project.

Let’s dig in!

Project details for filesyncer

I’ve became a huge fan of describing ideas using single sentence. If you can’t describe an idea this way, it may be that this idea needs more thought or it’s too complex and could be divided into smaller components (the latter is rare). Let me describe my project for this year’s edition of DSP contest using single sentence then:

Daj Się poznać - challenge accepted (again)

Some time ago (or one year ago to be more accurate) I decided to take up a challange of DSP contest. It wasn’t much of a success (to put it mildly). I’ve been very reluctant to try it again, but finally, few hours before the registration closed, I have signed up. I’m going to give some details here what was my thought process.

My introduction to Elixir programming language

Today I’m going to talk a bit about Elixir, the programming language that I chose to write my project in. I will start by saying that this is not a comprehensive introduction, but just my take on what are the Elixir’s most interesting features, and why I think this language has a bright future ahead of it.

[DSP] Let's do some planning

The competition I mentioned in my previous post has just started! So again, what is it about? For a period of 10 weeks (out of 13 available), work on a software project and blog about it minimum twice a week. My idea for this challenge is to write a game inspired by a game called Exploding Kittens, using Elixir language and Phoenix framework. And what’s that planning I mentioned in the title of this post?

Daj Się poznać - challange accepted

To motivate myself a bit, I decided to take part in Maciej’s contest and, for a period of 10 weeks, work on an open source project.

Creating vcards in rails using vpim

Short info - how to create vcards in rails, which work correctly in Outlook 20xx.

I18n::InvalidPluralizationData in rails 3.2 with polish locale

In case u receive this error with such explanation: translation data can not be used with :count => 2 Remember that you need to define a “few” and “many” key for translation for particular entity, e.g.:

Bright sides of PHP - it evolved!

Today Fabien Potencier published a great post about how much all the PHP rants (which are quite popular recently in the PHP blogosphere) are inadequate to the current situation of the language. It should be read by all developers, especially those who do not code in PHP day to day. Why? Because they have no idea how much this language evolved in the last years.